Saturday, May 4, 2013

Vote for a better nation.

The 13th general election is coming really soon.
I never realize that an election of a country could be so important until now.
I did not felt the strained ambiance for the past election mostly because I'm still young.
As I grow up, I realize how important it is for choosing the leader of the country and vote for a better nation.
Especially when Malaysian have the right to chose for themselves and a better life for the young generations.
As a Malaysian, an eldest, a parent. Everyone who had the chance to vote should take the opportunities to vote.

We have the right to chose for what we want. No matter for ourselves or the young generation.
Malaysia could be a better country if there's good leader.
The chosen parties will determine the destiny of Malaysia.

Think before you vote.
Every single vote can make a big difference.


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