Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sapelele ♥

Hmm...guessing you guys must be wondering about the title.HA 
So here's the picture of the sapelele. ;D
A musical instruments from Sarawak.  

Still remember when I was in form 2 & 3,
Me, ling and nee used to involve in a lot of performance.
I remember when we purposely went to school earlier just to practice.
We used to put plaster on the hand to relieve the pain that brought by the instrument.
Trust me,the string was so tough and we have to play the instrument smoothly
 without looking at the instrument.

Ha! you people must be thinking playing the sapelele was as easy as playing guitar.
Because we play the melody part which mean we play the song note by note.
Of course some of them played the rhythm part.
I remembered there's many practical teachers came to our school.
I miss them.
The most "wai shui"event we involved was the event at TV3.
We were on a local show live!

Can you spot me?

We did performed at the national event too.
The 1Malaysia event!

We were having a break.
I remembered when we felt hungry during the rehearsal  
and mumbling the name of the food to reduce our hungry-ness. 


Event of  TV3.
I look pretty.LOL

Our performance team on the news paper. ;D


Group photo at the KLCC.

Me & ling before performance.

Senior, May Kuen.

A picture with may kuen, ling, Pn.umi, irfan & yvonne.

I enjoyed the fun and appreciate the advise from the senior.
I miss the first batch of sapelele team. A lot. 


  1. Hi, where can I get the Sapelele?

    1. Hello! I've graduated from that high school ya.
      you may have a look at here ;)
